Hello DC, Baltimore and Everyone In Between
Our project aims to democratically run an in-person community focused on an ecologically- and socially-regenerative worldview.
Hopefully, this community will take the form of something like a book club (to talk about ideas) that encompasses both a social club (to hang out together and do fun things) as well as a service club (to do meaningful things).
This worldview centers around the ideas of
- Democracy - of the people, by the people, and for the people.
- Cybernetics - the feedback and circular causality in biological and social systems.(B.Scott)
- Ecology - the interaction of living and non-living matter.
- Biosemiotics - life as a meaning-making and interpreting process of signs.
- Naturalistic Pantheism - the view that the natural universe and God are identical, no more no less.
- Modern Stoicism - a philosophy of practical ways to achieve wellbeing, as well as idealistic beliefs about who humans are and who we can (and ought to) become. (E.O.Scott/Sellars)
Follow the "Entailment Net" and "Nomic" links in the left column to see more about our worldview and self-coordination.